Saturday, February 10, 2018 is LIVE

Our new website is [finally] live so we are moving our blog to  This will allow us to offer instructional videos and products.  It's very EXCITING stuff!  

Come on over and join the fun! 

Sunday, July 9, 2017

Beautiful Patio with Customer Review

Omg y'all....😱 look at how absolutely adorable this customers patio is!!?! She was such a pleasure to work with.  💖#summerpatiodecor#summerdoorhanger

Friday, July 7, 2017

Graduated Sign Evaporation Device aka Sign Dryer Shelf Contraption (We can't decide what to call it!)

As I was driving home from my 9-5 job the other day I was thinking about how we could maximize space in our wood shop.  Who doesn't get a little bit excited about home/office organization? 😍

Here's how the process works:  We cut and sand everything in the shop, then bring them inside for their little personalities.  Once the signs are painted, they go back to the shop to be clearcoated and packaged for shipping (kinda like #santasworkshop).  So there are times that signs are drying and we need that space to cut and sand!   #firstworldproblems

I had a VERY rough draft in my head and tried to communicate it to Mr. Sparkled Whimsy "you know about this tall with some slats on top of each other." He asked a few questions to which I had no answers and finally shook his head and said just "Stop talking.  I'll take care of it."

We live in North Carolina and for those of you who haven't been to the south lately, it's 97 degrees with 72% humidity today - it's HOT and STICKY!  Despite this, after about 4 hours, this was what it looked like (notice who's smiling and who's NOT smiling?)

And the next day, I have this amazing sign dryer contraption to stack and protect signs from sawdust while they are drying.  #happydance 💖

PS.  The top shelf even pulls out so that this short girl can reach it. 

Wednesday, July 5, 2017

Hi! I'm Jennifer

Hello!  I'm Jennifer the owner and creator of Sparkled Whimsy.   I am so overdue for an introduction.  

  • First of all, I love a good set of bullet points, don't you? 
  • I am a morning person -- all the good stuff happens between 6am and 10am.  The rest is just cake.
  • I am a coffee snob/addict #nectarofthegods 
  • I love food - all food but especially Krispy Kreme Doughnuts!   
  • I am a social introvert.  I can turn on social, but need a lot of alone time afterwards (this is the reason I don't do paint parties!😀)
  • I am a huge fan of all things organization, time management and creating order from chaos. (yes, I fully embrace my nerdiness)
  • On average, I listen to 3 Audible books a week.   Audible is the most awesome thing ever invented - paint AND read books at the same time!
  • Favorite hobby:  Beach time in Turks and Caicos #emptynest life rocks
  • Favorite place:  anywhere in the Caribbean
I am married to the absolute LOVE of my life - Mr. Sparkled Whimsy.   We are a blended family with two boys (Christian is 23 and Casey is 21).  Both are grown and living their own lives with the occasional visit for laundry services and food.

In the last 5 years, Sparkled Whimsy has grown so much I had to stop being a control freak or stop sleeping.  So, I chose sleep and delegated to Mr. Sparkled Whimsy.  He does all supply purchasing, wood cutting, sanding and shipping. There have been a few hiccups, but overall a huge success.  He also does all the cooking and keeps me supplied with bubblegum and caffeine -- I TOLD you he was amazing 😍    

I gotta admit, I'm kinda liking this blog thing! Next post will show you my painting studio (which is really just an extra bedroom but painting studio sounds so much fancier) and our wood shop. 

Friday, November 27, 2015

Today through Monday 20% off all purchases. Coupon Code BLACKFRIDAY2015

Thursday, October 15, 2015

Fall - Halloween Door Hanger with Bling and Ribbon!

This has been our most popular Fall - Halloween Door Hanger.   There are even little diamonds accenting the top of the pumpkin.    #falldoorhanger

We are shipping all Fall items within 5 business days!  Check out all of our Fall - Halloween Door Hangers here!!